Lillie's Hope Haven

Beaufort County to Participate in 2024 Point-in-Time Count: A Critical Step in Addressing Homelessness

Beaufort County to Participate in 2024 Point-in-Time Count: A Critical Step in Addressing Homelessness


The challenge of homelessness persists, not only in Beaufort County but across the nation. To effectively combat this issue, obtaining accurate data is paramount. Scheduled for January 24, 2024, this year’s Point-in-Time (PIT) Count holds significant importance in our community.

What is the Point-in-Time Count and why does it matter?

The PIT Count is an annual nationwide initiative aimed at capturing a snapshot of homelessness in our country on a single night in January. This data is instrumental in informing federal funding allocations from The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for programs dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness. Participation in the PIT Count is not only crucial but mandatory for communities seeking federal assistance. In Beaufort County, the PIT Count is meticulously planned and executed through collaborative efforts between local agencies and the Lowcountry Continuum of Care (LCOC). Ana Ramirez, the Program Coordinator for the Beaufort County Human Services Department and the PIT Count Coordinator for Beaufort County, plays a pivotal role in coordinating these efforts.

Ana Ramirez underscores the significance of the count, noting, “Previously, the total count within our Continuum of Care area was 17. Last year, through the hard work of our Together for Beaufort County agency partners and volunteers, we had a count of 65 with over 120 witnessed individuals experiencing homelessness in Beaufort County alone. The coordination of our partners has made all the difference in conducting the count for the benefit of our county.” Volunteers remain essential to the success of the PIT Count. Scheduled for January 24, volunteers are needed to ensure an accurate count of individuals experiencing homelessness in Beaufort County. Mandatory virtual training will be provided on January 22, with in-person volunteering hours ranging from 3 p.m. to midnight on the 24th. For those interested in volunteering or seeking more information, contact Ana Ramirez at

The 2024 Point-in-Time Count presents an opportunity for our community to come together, address the issue of homelessness, and make meaningful strides towards creating a safer, more inclusive Beaufort County for all its residents. Your participation matters—let’s work together to make a difference.

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